Winter Wonderland

I have many memories of a winter wonderland from my childhood. Now I live in the south and I hardly ever see the snow. A few weeks ago it fell all day. Beautiful and crisp. There is nothing quite like the quiet that comes after a snow fall. The peace of it all broken by the occasional cracking of limb weighed down by the snow.

The day started with the smell of snow in the air. I can’t explain it, but I know it when I smell it. It’s the kind day that starts like any other day, but will bring shock and amazement as the first flakes fall.

Getting snow in Atlanta is memorable. Snow storms here receive names. Google snowpocalypse Atlanta and see what 2 inches can do to a southern city.

Southern Winter Wonderland

This year’s snow fall started the holiday season for me in earnest. It was delicious, beautiful and so very peaceful. And brought back all the memories of my childhood, ill fitted snowsuits, mittens with strings, snowball fights, giant snowmen, hot chocolate, will marshmallows of course, frozen toes, not caring because all the snow made the early nights seem brighter, the warm of first walking into the house after playing all night, losing mittens even with the strings attached and a million other snapshots of my childhood all swirling around me like the falling snow.

winter wonderland

winter wonderland

winter wonderland


