Where I’m From Poem

Recently I was tasked with writing a Where I’m From poem to read at a meeting of the minds. I stuck almost exactly to the template I found online. Everyone else created poems with just the idea of where I’m from. All the poems were inspiring, beautiful and perfect.

I say this because whether you use the template or not, I can’t recommend writing the poem more. Taking the time to think about the people and places that helped shape my youth made me realize that when I think about where I’m from, I’m actually thinking about a very specific period of time.

Where Are YOU From

George Ella Lyon wrote a Where I’m From poem based on her life in Kentucky and in response to a poem written by Jo Carson. The basic template can be found here.

Where I’m From by Tami Lynn Ross

I am from garden to table,
from Alexander Keith’s and snowmobiles.
I am from a stones throw to the ocean.
(Peaceful, frightening, salt water on cold pebbled shores.)
I am from white birch trees,
Christmas pines,
Tall stems providing a magical Playland Park.

I am from weekend camping trips and strong tenacious women,
from Catherine and Edith and the village it took.
I am from community volunteers and road trips,
from “laughter leads to tears” and
don’t make me stop this car.
I am from stained glass sermons,
but only a few times a year.

I am from Bluenose and Highway #7 Coves,
homemade fudge and pickled beets.
From the truck my father took over for his Dad.
the Credit Union my mother took over for her Mom.
Her cedar lined chest
held a handful of stoic faces.
I am from the space between their forgotten stories.
This legacy tugs and pulls.

I wrote this poem on a yellow note pad thinking about all the things in that snap shot of time that holds all the memories of where I’m from. The part of this that makes me overjoyed is that my daughter saw this poem. She didn’t completely understand why the poem didn’t rhyme, turned the page and wrote her own where I’m from poem. I asked her permission to include it here. I love it!

Where I’m From by P-Funk

I am from powered hot chocolate and playing in the snow
From sparkly dresses and too tight show that won’t grow
I am from friends and family and a really good book
From iPhoneX and floating hoverboards, whoa I’m shook
I am from dedication and talent and practice
From Solar eclipses and  moose hats and more awards
I am from recalls and circles of sadness and laughter
From yearbooks and memories of old friends you have
I am from National tshirts and wigs on our heads
I would never change any of it, even for a nights rest

If you write your own poem let us know. I would love to read it!

Blue skies,
