Procrastination is the Thief of Time

Procrastination has stolen so much time from me and the consequences have weighed heavily. Missing important deadlines can cause stress, but it is the general putting off of certain tasks that has created a list of indecision and regrets. And though I hear Sinatra croon, “regrets I’ve had a few, but then again, too few to mention“, I feel I must mention them.

This however is not a feel bad post. We’ve all been there! We can all relate in this busy – pulled in a million directions – feeling guilty for taking a minute to ourselves world. Procrastination can at times feel like our only saving grace.

Regrets I’ve Had a Few…

When my mentor was waiting for his heart surgery we discussed recording his stories. Specific stories, based on carefully picked values that would create a mini documentary on his life and legacy. His goal was to provide a framework for the family to continue his legacy and life lessons during the rest of his life and beyond.

We put off the recording to after the surgery and spent time researching and sharing stories. Conversations that with a little forethought could have been recorded. An idea that would haunt me when it became apparent that he wouldn’t coming home from the hospital.

Procrastination was not tricking us into doing fun and easy things. It was allowing us to put off the important work. As if we could cram it all in… someday.

Procrastination, Letting Go and Doing it Anyway

All is not lost. I’m interviewing family members and friends and piecing together a document that will hopefully represent as close as possible his plan.

I did not envision completing the project this way, but it needs to be this way if I am to finish what I started.

I’ve spoken with many people over the last few years who have wished they recorded family stories. Now they feel it’s too late. I say it’s never too late. If interviewing them is not going to happen create another possibility – interview other family members and friends. Record your own stories. Host a family reunion.

The big idea is to figure out what and why you are procrastinating. Make a plan (right now) to get it done.

Check out one of my favorite TED talks on the subject.

