Mid January Goal Check in

The middle of January is the perfect time to give yourself a goal check in. By now the motivation of a new year has started to wan and staying on top of our passions takes a little extra effort and focus.

I couldn’t let the month go by without saying something about staying on top our your goals. Procrastinating after all is how this whole thing got started. And while I’m excited for what the new year has in store, I’m extremely happy to take a moment to honor a whole year of sharing ideas and stories and hopefully helping you document the legacy of someone important in your life.

Goal Check In

Every action you take should move you closer to accomplishing your goal. What action did you take today? Whether your goal is related to documenting legacy or you’re trying to get healthy, write a book, etc… you need to be taking actions toward your desired result.

Personal goals can be difficult to track and manage.

How to break down your goal in 3 easy, but intensive steps.

  1. Define the goal. What is it that you are planning to accomplish this year? You can even write it down in such a way that states, by the end of 2018 I will have completed___________.
  2. Create 3-5 trackable focus points. A single goal can very overwhelming. This is an opportunity to break it down into manageable pieces.
  3. Action items for each focus points. Each focus point could have any number of actionable items. For example if your goal is to write a book. One of your focuses may be to create an outline. This may involve action items from everything from choosing software to developing characters and their backgrounds. Break every action item down and add a due date to it.

An added bonus is to add every action item into your day planner or calendar. This is a great way to starve off procrastination!

Check in with your self weekly and monthly. Reflect on what you’ve accomplished this week or month and what your focus will be this coming week or month. My favorite system for staying on top of my goals and progress comes from Natalie MacNeil. Conquer Your Year is great for tracking business goals, but I enjoy using it for my personal goals as well. This is my second year and I’m using it to track my progress on the course I’m putting together to help with documenting your family’s story.

