getting curious

Getting Curious about Why

“People love, love!” Getting curious about why people do what they do and not just what they do, helps us tell great stories. Simon Sinek inspires us to think deeply about the why, to investigate it and most importantly to share it.

I love working with MadLawMedia. Last Spring we produced Marry All The People, a film that shares an empowerment story about getting exactly what you want – on your special day!

Pre Production

Whether I’m approaching a film project or breaking down a story, I always start with questions. My mantra is “Ask More Questions” because I truly believe we don’t ask enough questions. It is so easy to jump in with ideas and suggestions, but taking the time to “let the story move you, before you move the story” is key to a fruitful pre-production, a successful production and a moving and connecting story.

When I first spoke with Tracy I knew she was busy and I didn’t want to take too much of her time, but I did want to have a conversation that got to the heart of her story. During my research I was moved by all the details she puts into her brand and how fluid everything feels. Her personality shines through on her Facebook stories and scrolling through her feed I was struck by the diversity of her clientele. All of whom talk about how amazing it was to get exactly what they wanted on their special day.

A word that kept coming up in my chats with Tracy was empowerment. And I wanted to understand why helping people have their perfect day was so important to her. Digging into that one word helped us connect Tracy’s why to her business and tell the story of why she loves what she does…

Marry All the People

Marry All the People from MADLAWMEDIA on Vimeo.

Getting Curious about Where to Start?

It’s not surprising that businesses want to promote what they do. Video marketing is a huge industry. But, before we get to all the fancy equipment, and the long (but somewhat “sexier” days of production), we like to find the story. I have found that by investing in research and building connection into our very process, we can tell a story that taps into passion. A story that gets us excited about why people start their businesses. And this connects on all the levels businesses turn to marketing in the first place, and it is why I do what I do.

Story finding is about being curious. If you’re looking to tell your story and you’re not sure where to start, I can help. I will consult with you and ask questions that build a framework to help anchor and align all your stories.

If you’re not sure if or how I can help. Please contact me. I’d love to have a quick 30 minute discovery call to hear what you’re up to.

Let’s start talking,

Tami Lynn

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