
Telling Your Story

Telling our stories, telling your story, in a meaningful way can change the world. Funneling an entire life into a few minutes can be an overwhelming task. Such an undertaking can cause devastating procrastination. When my father in law asked me to tell his story he was already ill. When he died before we could …

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Live Music Legacy

Being 1 of 30,000 souls attending a live music show always makes my heart happy. I feel so connected to the music, the people, the world and so very present in the moment. A moment that will never happen again and every single time I feel like I’m in the middle of it. As many …

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Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond – Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton

I absolutely love this film. Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond touches on the themes we talk about here at Documenting Legacy. This documentary balances the behind the scenes of a film and the reflection of the lead actor. Digging in to how Jim Carrey created his persona for Andy details a lot about how …

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Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving always screams family to me. It’s my favorite holiday. Because I was born in Canada I get to celebrate this holiday twice and I don’t mind it a bit. In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated the second Monday in October. In the States we celebrate the 4th Thursday in November. That’s two turkeys and two …

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Legacy Definitions

Useful definitions to help navigate the world of documenting legacy. The glossary is often my favorite part of any book. I never shy away from learning new words. In most cases these are either words that were new to me or the definitions helped clarify something for me. In no way is this a full …

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Legacy of Hate

The recent events in Charlottesville got me thinking on our family history and the moments when we know our legacy includes hate. During a recent trip home to Halifax, Nova Scotia I was in a conversation with someone not happy about the erasing of history. He wasn’t convinced it was a good idea to remove …

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