Tami Lynn Ross

Orphan Train

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline is a beautifully written novel that uses an overlooked portion of American history to tell a story about family and honoring our journey. Early in the book we meet Vivian.  An Irish immigrant. We follow her as an accident makes her an orphan and separates her from her siblings. …

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Home for Christmas

“I’ll be home for Christmas” was a song that would always make me feel a little sad.  Not because I wasn’t having a wonderful time every year, but because I couldn’t imagine the possibility of ever getting home for Christmas. A million reasons that for a million other reasons I could find a way until …

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Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond – Featuring a Very Special, Contractually Obligated Mention of Tony Clifton

I absolutely love this film. Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond touches on the themes we talk about here at Documenting Legacy. This documentary balances the behind the scenes of a film and the reflection of the lead actor. Digging in to how Jim Carrey created his persona for Andy details a lot about how …

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Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving always screams family to me. It’s my favorite holiday. Because I was born in Canada I get to celebrate this holiday twice and I don’t mind it a bit. In Canada, Thanksgiving is celebrated the second Monday in October. In the States we celebrate the 4th Thursday in November. That’s two turkeys and two …

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Photo Book Gift Ideas

A photo book can be a fun and heartwarming gift to give and receive. Every year we document the journey of our life. Our highs and lows, the good and the memories, the people we’ve met and the people we’ve said goodbye too, events and adventures and all the new things we participated in. We …

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