Tami Lynn Ross


Paris Adventure

Paris adventure for Christmas, yes please! We are waiting in Chicago (6 hour layover in exchange for $450 tickets) and I’m watching my 12 year old practice her Irish Dance steps in a corner near our gate. Happy and excited that this idea, a few years old now, is turning into reality. Reflecting on 2018 …

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Bee Bones

Conflict in Story and Life: How I Became a Member of the Biggest Band in the World

Conflict is taking 30 minutes to fill out an application and then letting your mouse hover over the send button for the rest of the day. I was looking for something to help me focus. Something that would help me figure out a way to tell the stories I was obsessing about. But was this …

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Telling Your Story

Telling our stories, telling your story, in a meaningful way can change the world. Funneling an entire life into a few minutes can be an overwhelming task. Such an undertaking can cause devastating procrastination. When my father in law asked me to tell his story he was already ill. When he died before we could …

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Live Music Legacy

Being 1 of 30,000 souls attending a live music show always makes my heart happy. I feel so connected to the music, the people, the world and so very present in the moment. A moment that will never happen again and every single time I feel like I’m in the middle of it. As many …

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