A Story of Place

I’ve been thinking about where I grew up a lot lately. Maybe it’s the focus on the Where I’m From Poem, or that the last few books I’ve read have mentioned Nova Scotia. I’m sure they mention all sorts of places. But Nova Scotia is where I grew up and it stands out and the little voice in my head can’t help but say “I know that place”.  In some ways it’s just a place where I grew up. In other ways its a place that lingers in everything I do.

Nova Scotia

The province of Nova Scotia sits North East of Maine and is on the same latitude as the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I feel like I’ve been over every square inch of it and I still love to go back and explore like a visitor. I grew up in Harrigan Cove. It’s a small, super small, extremely small community that feels even smaller now.

A Story of Place

I have been participating in Muse Film School and it recently helped me discover how important place is to my story. Place of course is important in all stories.

The reason I’m so passionate about you documenting the stories you want to document is because my father in law asked me to tell his story and he passed away before we got to record it. But before that. Before I grew up. My grandmother told me a story about her father and it has haunted me ever since. She told me that her father was killed before he could accept a promotion or a job that would take him and his family to New York and away from Nova Scotia. If this had happened I may not have been born let alone had the chance to grow up in Nova Scotia.

I know that’s dramatic. But reflecting on it makes me think about how much Nova Scotia, with it’s culture and customs, have left their mark. How all places may leave their mark on us. When my father in law asked me to document his legacy he was sitting in his chair in his office. It was his place, open to the entire house and yet his little corner. When I shared this story with Muse Film School I did so sitting in his chair. In his place. It’s been over three years and his jacket is still on the back of his chair.

Here is the piece I did for my class:

My Why from Tami Lynn Ross on Vimeo.


