Happy Galentine’s Day and Happy Valentine’s Day

I’m celebrating Galentine’s Day this year as I shared one of my favorite Valentine’s stories last year. 2018 seems to be a year of reflection for me. I’ve been thinking about the things we hold on to. Like my friend with the very first valentine card her husband, then boyfriend, sent her. How it represented so much more than a card to her. And my mission to have those pieces become the story. A real part of our memory of a person. I don’t wonder what happened to that vintage valentine. I imagine it was tossed. But I can’t help but wonder if she shared that story with anyone else in her family. If they new the importance of it’s meaning – that it represented a foundation of love that would last more than 65 years.

And of course that pondering has lead me to look at my own throw away pieces. A few years ago a girlfriend gave me a journey jar. Simply a decorated mason jar that I fill with mementos from life’s journeys.  Concert tickets, movie receipts, 1/2 marathon medals, and small trinkets are busting out of this jar. The jar is a full representation of the importants of gal pals in my life. I’m so blessed to be surrounded by a tribe of strong, beautiful and capable women who not only hold me up (sometime’s physically) but inspire me and encourage me and are everything I need in this world.

Happy Galentine’s Day Ladies

I am so honored and blessed to know you and be known by you. I read a quote recently that said our friendships are our greatest masterpiece. Here’s to adding more paint to our masterpieces ladies!

If you want to further honor your girlfriends, your best friends, I highly recommend reading and celebrating Text Me When You Get Home by Kayleen Schaefer. I love this book so much. I love what it stands for and the movement I hope it creates. A movement of honoring our relationships with our girlfriends and putting the social and cultural importance on them they deserve.

