Amelia Earhart Legacy

I have always been drawn to strong independent women. After my Superwoman phase (okay maybe I’m still in that phase) came Amelia Earhart. The first time I learned of Earhart’s attempt to fly around the world was from a movie I watched with my dad. I don’t  remember anything other than in the film she pulls back the window of her plane while flying and we are left to assume she ran out of gas and crashed into the pacific ocean. After that I could not get enough. And not just on that last flight, but on her life and how she came to be a women who would attempt to fly around the world. Books, movies, TV, websites, if it’s out there I’ve probably watched it, read it or argued with someone about it.

What Happened to Amelia Earhart

My belief is that Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan landed on an island and died as castaways. For more information on this hypothesis please check out TIGHAR’s website. I have followed their journey for over ten years now. Recently, I was disappointed with all the hype the History Channel’s story and now debunked photographic evidence received. Especially when there was no mention on any of the work TIGHAR has been doing. Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think.

The Amelia Earhart Legacy

80 years have passed since Amelia Earhart disappeared on her attempt to fly around the world. Her legacy endures. Though we continue to be obsessed with how she died, the way Amelia Earhart lived is her lasting legacy. She was a pioneer, an adventure seeker, a successful pilot and business women, a media celebrity, and encouraged the world to accept women for their talents.

During her lifetime, Earhart was a role model for the modern woman and a source of inspiration for many. She used her courageous and independent nature to fight for women’s equality, the advancement of women in aviation, and supported the idea of commercial aviation.

These are the stories I’m interested in and these are the stories I want to help you tell.

Do you have an independent women in your family with a story that inspires you? Write it down and share it with the rest of the family.

